Research indicates that Laravel is the most popular backend framework for web development, boasting 71,903 stars from users in its repository. Laravel is one of the most widely used PHP frameworks, providing web application development in a more straightforward, streamlined fashion. Laravel powers approximately 135,439 sites globally - or approximately 0.09 percent.

PHP web developers have found great success using this framework, as it offers them numerous tools. As it matures and becomes more stable through updates, Hire PHP Laravel developers have been empowered to develop innovative solutions across industries. This blog will discuss what Laravel is, why it remains popular among developers, and how they have chosen to employ it.

Introduction to Laravel Framework

Created Laravel Framework in 2011 as a popular web framework, noted for its elegant, clean, and expressive syntax, integrated testing suite, tutorials that make learning superficial, high level of abstraction, and convenient shortcuts.

Professional web app development brings greater significance and added value to a business. Laravel's success in the PHP market can be attributed to its suite of caching, authentication, and routing features, sessions management features, migration system with expressive features, simple ACI container features for automatic page generation as well as application structure - features that have helped keep PHP development alive over the years.

At first, Laravel can seem intimidatingly complex for beginners. Let's discuss its significance and effectiveness: businesses, entrepreneurs, developers, and other stakeholders involved with web development projects have fallen in love with Laravel.

Why is Laravel Important for Web Development Projects?

Laravel offers unique advantages that make web projects easier for businesses. When appropriately utilized by an experienced Laravel developer, these features can create enterprise-grade apps.

Laravel offers object-oriented libraries

Accessing object-oriented libraries simplifies web application development, making Laravel one of the few PHP frameworks with such libraries available for use. Laravel is an open-source framework with various advanced libraries such as Bcrypt hashing and CSRF protection, authentication, encryption, password reset functionality, and more.

Security Is Improved

Security is always at the top of any programmer's mind, not only when working with PHP. When web developers use the Laravel framework to develop applications, all security measures have already been integrated. Protected routes, authentication drivers, hashed-and-salted password mechanisms, and secure configuration ensure that no holes can be created in the security of a PHP app.

Offers Impeccable Performance

Speed is integral to user experience and can make or break an application's success. A few seconds of delay can alter everything dramatically. Laravel's caching feature provides a great way to save time when building websites; its support of various cache backends, will enhance performance without manual integration efforts being required.

Laravel Offers Top-Of-The-Line Authorization And Authentication Systems

Every website must authenticate users who claim to be website users through authentication processes. Hire Laravel web developer offer various authentication and authorization techniques to prevent unauthorized access on websites; their implementation makes for more effortless authentication, with resources requiring verification only accessible to verified users. With everything preconfigured for easier use and quicker verification.

Configuration of Error and Exception Handling

People always make mistakes, often mistaking an error for being caused by something other than itself. In such instances, users often blame web applications instead of themselves, so having an error message that describes what caused it can help alleviate confusion for users who mistakenly blamed Laravel developers themselves when something went wrong with their application. Laravel developers must manually write code for this to ensure better handling of errors and exceptions by their web application.

Laravel's web development framework comes pre configured to handle errors and exceptions automatically, saving developers the trouble of writing code for pop-up messages to explain mistakes to users. Furthermore, Laravel utilizes a monolog library that features various log handlers.

Testing Yourself Easily

Testing web applications during development is essential to ensure they perform as expected and without bugs, crashes, or errors. Laravel makes testing faster and simpler with automated tests, PHP Unit inclusion files, and XML files - and convenient helper methods designed specifically with user behavior testing as their focus - so developers can quickly mimic and test micro-interactions.

High Traffic Areas

No one can predict precisely when their website will experience high traffic volumes and receive large requests. Still, web servers must be prepared for such circumstances, or the results will only worsen. Developers use message queues as load-balancing systems when dealing with large request volumes. These queues delay and schedule requests automatically when too many requests are coming through at once. Laravel web development enables websites to handle high volumes through one API that unifies multiple queue backends.

Eloquent ORM

Developers use object-relational mappers (ORMs) to interact with database tables. Laravel includes an ORM called Eloquent ORM that makes working with ActiveRecord easy; each table within Eloquent has a Model created through MVC architecture for use.

Eloquent CRUD functionality makes it straightforward to establish relationships and find models related to them, supporting three types of relationships: one-to-one, many-to-one, and many-to-many. Laravel is an ideal framework for developers and businesses interested in PHP web development, offering businesses the chance to easily navigate their PHP website journey while simplifying developers' lives.

Laravel Web Development from the Developer's Perspective

Simply knowing about Laravel's features cannot suffice when discussing its significance for web development; to truly appreciate Laravel as an asset requires looking through its version created by web experts - hence why so many developers see Laravel as the "apple of their eyes."


Developers waste time and energy manually managing project environments, performing repetitive tasks, and writing code skeletons. Laravel's command-line tool-artisan is an efficient solution. Web developers can use just one command to interact with its framework while managing their environment. Artisan allows Laravel developers for hire to quickly and efficiently create commands, migrate databases, write code, and test it all - without breaking their workflow.

Separation Between Business Logic Code And Presentation Code

Laravel's modularity and MVC support add the final touches to its web app framework, creating a clear separation between the logic and presentation layers and allowing designers to make changes without involving developers - a cost-effective and time-saving process. Starting development early also speeds up the website creation process.

The Task Schedule Is Easy To Follow

Developers need a simple task schedule to handle repetitive work efficiently. Web developers with expertise can create a Cron entry and add it directly via SSH for the task they want to schedule.

Developers typically struggle when creating Cron jobs to schedule tasks. Still, Laravel's command scheduler simplifies this process by allowing developers to define commands directly within its framework and expressly schedule them with just one Cron entry - saving time and hassles.

External Packages

Laravel integrates numerous external packages that simplify adding high-end functionality, including the composer. Developers can use this tool to quickly install these packages into web apps. Establishing the routes of web apps has never been a complicated endeavor. However, it remains essential that any application has an error-free URL routing to avoid embarrassing users when clicking links that lead to incorrect sites. 

Laravel makes this task even simpler as all routes are automatically defined within an app/Http/routes.php loaded file, so all developers need to do is define routes manually. As we examine what makes Laravel an ideal framework for web app development and understand from both developer and business owner perspectives,

Laravel Web Development: The Entrepreneur's Perspective

Here are 13 benefits it brings them:

Laravel's cost-cutting capabilities may save companies significant sums on development costs.

Time Efficient

Laravel's built-in tools and features make web app development simpler and save businesses valuable time in getting their products onto the market faster.

Rapid Development

Laravel's features, such as routing and authentication, enable developers to rapidly build web apps for businesses quickly. Now, they can launch new products or services faster.

Community Support

Laravel's large developer community provides invaluable assistance. Packages are developed, maintained, and provided support, making it easier for companies to find web designers for their projects and gain support for them.


Laravel's scalability makes it an excellent choice for businesses that wish to develop web applications that will expand over time, allowing businesses to begin small but then expand as necessary without needing to rebuild all their applications from the ground up.

Easy Integration

Laravel's simple integration process enables businesses to seamlessly add new functionalities and features to their web app quickly and seamlessly. Laravel provides robust security measures, such as CSRF protection and encrypted password storage, to safeguard against SQL injection and allow developers to easily create secure apps for business.

Productivity Increases

Laravel provides features and tools that enable developers to become more productive, thus helping businesses accomplish more in less time.

Improved Performance

Laravel's caching and optimized code can improve web application performance, enhancing user experiences and customer satisfaction.

Easy Maintenance

Laravel's code structure and tools simplify web application maintenance, helping developers maintain web apps more efficiently while decreasing development costs. Laravel provides businesses a flexible framework for creating web applications explicitly tailored to meet their business requirements.


Laravel's user management and authentication features can make web applications user-friendly and straightforward for their end users to navigate.


Web ApplicationsLaravel's advanced features enable businesses to build innovative web applications, helping them attract new customers while staying ahead of the competition.


Laravel is an open-source framework offering all the tools, resources, and libraries needed for rapid PHP web app development. Thanks to its numerous features, Laravel has quickly become one of the premier solutions worldwide for web development.

It is incredible to witness such rapid community expansion within such a short time, with PHP Laravel developer for hire providing unprecedented support. PHP web development firms and PHP coders alike continue to utilize Laravel for creating various web apps - check out some examples of categories where Laravel can be used. Laravel has become a widely preferred choice for creating high-quality web applications explicitly tailored to startups and businesses, increasing its usability and popularity over time.